Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Big Arrival!

Today Minnie and S'mores were delivered to their new home! Kim also drove to Seguine to pick up the puppies! We are teaming with NEW LIFE!!! The alpacas seemed to like the new surroundings and the puppies were a little overwhelmed with everything. Not a lot of time to write....will do more later!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Getting ready for Alpaca Arrivals!

I think Kim is going to retire me from working outside, it seems like everytime I do something now a days, I break something. I ran over a sprinkler head with the lawnmower, and then yesterday, I was cleaning out the front pasture in anticipation of the arrival next week, and I broke the outside faucet in the pasture! We couldn't get the water valve to turn off, so for a while we had "old faithful" in the pasture! Aqua Water came out and put on a new regulator, and shut off valve, and then we had to call a plumber to fix the faucet! Luckily, we got someone out right away, and he had it fixed in an hour! I just tugged a little bit on the hose, honest! (That pvc pipe is entirely too flimsy!) Today I picked up horse poop and fixed the automatic watering buckets and didn't break anything, so maybe my bad luck streak is over.

Minnie and S'mores arrive on the 21st and we can get Silly in about 45 days after that. If she isn't pregnant, we aren't going to try again until the fall (0r when Poseidon is back ). I am anxious to have some "little ones" around, and so thinking about getting a couple of animals that we could show while the girls are pregnant. (If we have males that start winning ribbons, we could start breeding them out and make some money!)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Bad News

We had some bad news yesterday about Cracker Jack, the baby alpaca. It seems that he contracted diarrhea on Tuesday, and although they thought he was doing better, he died yesterday. It is sad, but I'm really grateful that it didn't happen after we got them, as we would have thought it was something that we did wrong. It makes me think that the alpacas are not quite as hardy as we thought, tho. He was the only one that we hadn't insured, as you don't insure until they are 6 months old, but Rhonda has said that she will give us another male that is about the same age to replace him. She and her husband are at the big show in Utah and so the couple that run the ranch called her to tell her what happened. She was very sad to deliver the news.

We found something strange on the driveway today...a craw fish! At first I thought it was something that the Jack's brought back from Galveston, but Jeff says that it was a fresh water one and probably came from our pond/stream. He and Michael called it a "mud bug". It was pretty funny to see it walking down the driveway! He was using his pinchers to defend himself pretty well! (Moxie didn't learn a thing from the turtle incident and had her nose right in there!)

Vicki and I are going to make a run to Tractor Supply tomorrow to pick up a few things in anticipation of the alpaca arrival. I'm making a list and checking it twice!

Kim is already anxious to get back to the land of humidity! LOL (better humidity than traffic, he says!)