Monday, March 26, 2007


Kim and I took Sonny Boy and Silly to a Marty McGee Camelidynamics seminar on Saturday and Sunday. (it was more for us than it was for them, but since Silly is our diva, we thought it would be good to work with her.) It was a great experience! Marty is such a great proponent of keeping the alpacas' interest paramount, and showing us that as long as the alpacas are comfortable and you are respectful of their feelings almost anything is easily accomplished! Robin and Paul Roberts were the hosts at their beautiful ranch in Navasota. If any of you alpaca owners ever had the opportunity to attend this seminar, we highly recommend it! It makes you a better owner and I'm sure that the alpcas appreciate it! *grin*

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Gaining strength everyday

"Sonny Boy" (we're trying this name on for size) Royal Son aka Sonny Boy, has been getting stronger every day. He is so cute and he is finally up to the weight he was before he started nursing, so we think that we've turned the corner and Silly is producing enough milk. He's quite a hot rodder at sunset and early in the morning, and his idol is Mr. D whom he imitates all the time. Julia is his good friend...she helped me talk him to the vet in Blanco on the 24th and I think he remembers that she held him and fed him a bottle during the trip.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We have lift off!

Well, it has been a long time coming, but little boy started nursing Silly, just a few minutes ago! (I am so relieved that I can probably skip the 3am and 6am feedings!) I think I will still have to give him a supplementary bottle for a while until she has enough milk to feed him, but, boy! are we relieved! He weighs 13.6.

Now we have to officially name a few ideas, but not decided just yet!

Breathing a long, exhausted sigh....